Symposium FC
Hydrogen Production and Storage

Andreas ZÜTTEL, EPFL, Switzerland
Etsuo AKIBA, Kyushu University, Japan
Marcello BARICCO, Università di Torino, Italy
Craig BUCKLEY, Curtin University, Australia
Ping CHEN, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China
Bernard DAM, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Bill DAVID, University of Oxford, UK
Petra E. DE JONGH, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Bjorn C. HAUBACK, Institute for Energy Technology (IFE), Norway
Michael HIRSCHER, Max Planck Institut for Intelligent Systems, Germany
Jacques HUOT, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada
Puru JENA, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Torben René JENSEN, University of Aarhus, Denmark
J. Karl JOHNSON, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Zongqiang MAO, Tsinghua University, Japan
Amelia MONTONE, ENEA, Italy
Nazim MURADOV, University of Central Florida, USA
Dag NOREUS, University of Stockholm, Sweden
Toshiya OTOMO, Institute of Materials Structure Science, KEK, Japan
Eugen RABKIN, Technion, Israel
Kevin SIVULA, EPFL, Switzerland
Aldo STEINFELD, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Ned T. STETSON, U.S. Department of Energy, USA
Gavin WALKER, University of Nottingham, UK
Chris WOLVERTON, Northwestern University, USA
Irene YAROVSKY, RMIT University, Australia
Ragaiy ZIDAN, Savannah River National Laboratory, USA
Andrea BALDI, DIFFER-Dutch Inst.for Fundamental Energy Research, Netherlands
Ardemis BOGHOSSIAN, EPFL, Switzerland
Maytal CASPARY-TOROKER, Technion, Israel
Petra E. DE JONGH / Peter NGENE, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Umit DEMIRCI, University of Montpellier, France
Martin DORNHEIM, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany
Yaroslav FILINCHUK, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Michael HIRSCHER, Max Planck Institut for Intelligent Systems, Germany
Louise JALOWIECKI-DUHAMEL, University of Lille1, France
Torben René JENSEN, University of Aarhus, Denmark
Oliver KROECHER, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
Fabrice LEARDINI, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
Ronald MICHALSKY, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Guido MUL, University of Twente, Netherlands
Luca PASQUINI, University of Bologna, Italy
Kevin SIVULA, EPFL, Switzerland
Stenbjorn STYRING, Uppsala University, Sveden
Petra SZILAGYI, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Heena YANG, EPFL, Switzerland
Andreas ZUETTEL, EPFL, Switzerland
Endorsed by:
Hydrogen obtained from dissociation of water with renewable energy, nuclear or the water-gas shift reaction in advanced gasification technologies provided with CO2 capture and sequestration, has been identified as one of the strategic technologies for an appealing, clean, abundant, safe and cost effective energy carrier for a low carbon economy.Implementing hydrogen as an environmentally friendly, sustainable and efficient energy carrier, however requires major challenges for its production, storage and use to be solved. Breakthroughs in materials research to find effective robust catalysts and new storage techniques that satisfy weight, volumetric, safety and cost requirements are critical for hydrogen to penetrate the market. Crucial is gaining a deeper understanding of the phenomena that govern the interactions of hydrogen with materials, to exploit the enormous opportunities offered by nanotechnology and to develop modelling and simulation strategies for predicting reaction pathways, materials properties and systems behaviours in order to effectively implement the hydrogen technology. Furthermore, hydrogen as an intermediate energy carrier for the CO2 reduction to synthetic hydrocarbons is increasingly important especially for mobile and seasonal storage of renewable energy.
“Hydrogen Production and Storage” will bring together world leading experts from Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering to share up-to-date scientific and technical advances in the field, and to highlight outstanding problems and guidelines for future research. Fundamental aspects of catalysis, separation and purification processes; chemistry and physics of hydrogen bonding, adsorption and release mechanisms; materials synthesis, processing and characterisation; system implementation and performance evaluation including safety and economics issues will be featured.
Session Topics


FC-1.1 Photoelectrochemical and thermochemical H2 production

FC-1.2 Photobiological and photo-bio-mimetic H2 production

FC-1.3 Biomass/waste reforming

FC-1.4 Electrolysis from renewable energy


FC-2.1 Metal hydrides

FC-2.2 Complex hydrides

FC-2.3 Chemical hydrides

FC-2.4 Physisorption of hydrogen on high surface area adsorbents

FC-2.5 CO2 reduction with hydrogen to synthetic hydrocarbons

FC-2.6 Theoretical modelling

FC-2.7 Storage testing, leak detection and safety issues


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